HOAGBA auctions are licensed by USDA and the Kansas Department, Animal Health Division. The 40th spring auction will be held at 8:00 A. M., Saturday, March 22, 2025, at the fairgrounds located at 136 E. Washington St., in downtown Gardner. Take Exit 210 off I-35. Go west on Hwy 56/Main St to the 4th stoplight. Turn right onto Elm St. Go north 2 blocks to the fairgrounds.
The main arena auction of chickens, rabbits, pigeons, game birds, waterfowl, animals, and equipment is held outdoors so dress according to the weather forecast.
Heart of America Game Breeders Association has sponsored consignment bird and small animal auctions in the spring and fall since 1985. HOAGBA offers breeders of birds and animals the opportunity to sell their surplus stock at our auctions.
Commission - HOAGBA members - 15% on all sales. Non-HOAGBA members - 20% on all sales. (Become a member of HOAGBA and save 5% on the commission) Membership info is listed on the WHAT IS HOAGBA Link
There is a $2.00 NO SALE charge.
Sellers’ checks may be picked up late Saturday afternoon, or they’ll be mailed Monday following the sale.
$5.00 cash or check only admission for all persons including children over 4 years old. 4-H and FFA members free with membership card & an adult paid admission. Pay admission at the gate or in the office in the Open Class Building.
Equipment: Back area of main arena: 8 A. M.
Main Outdoor Arena: after the equipment is sold; app. 9:15 A. M. - Birds & caged animals sell in the order they were consigned. All cages go with the birds or animals.
Holding Pens: Noon - Birds in small holding pens. Auction in main arena does not stop!!
Cage Bird Building: 10 A. M. - Aviary or pet birds (Finches, parakeets, etc.,) warm-room animals & related equipment followed by chicks, goslings, ducklings, and poults. Please note that this is a change from the sale order in the past.
Method of Payment
Buyers must complete waterfowl transfers before removing any North American waterfowl from the barn. It is proof the birds were legally obtained.
All bids are times the number of birds/animals in the cage. El precio de los pajaros es individual. La javla le costara` la cantidqd que ofrecio` multipilicadopor el numero de pajaros en la javla.
If the bid is $25.00 and there are 4 birds then the final amount the buyers will pay for that cage of birds is $100.00 NOT $25.00.
136 East Washington Street, Gardner, Kansas 66030, United States
(913) 879-2587 daily except March 21 & 22 when I will be at the fairgrounds in Gardner. smithkct@centurylink.net
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