Antigen is available for PT testing so we will collect PT papers at check in!!
Game Breeders’ Permit A Kansas Game Breeder’s Permit is needed to sell Ringneck Pheasants, Bobwhite Quail, Scaled Quail, game animals, & fur-bearing animals native to Kansas & existing as a wild population. Anyone from out of state consigning any species requiring a Kansas Game Breeders’ Permit must show proof of legal ownership, possession, importation and/or other required documentation from the originating state such as your game breeders’ permit.
Kansas Consignors K.S.A. 2-913. Exhibitions; pullorum-typhoid clean requirements. All poultry, including exhibition, exotic and game birds but excluding waterfowl, taken to a public exhibition in Kansas shall come from a flock of poultry which is designated U.S. pullorum-typhoid clean or which meets the equivalent requirements as determined by the commissioner or shall have a negative result from a pullorum and fowl typhoid test conducted within 90 days of the poultry being taken to the public exhibition. History: L. 1984, ch. 195, § 6; Jan. 1, 1985
To sell chickens, guineas, turkeys, peafowl, pheasants, & quail, you must present a legible VS Form 9-2 signed by a certified tester before the birds are unloaded. Remember: NO waterfowl or pigeons need to be tested. Chicks under 4 months old must be from an NPIP flock. Bring the NPIP form for the breeder birds and write the number on the box. There will not be no pullorum-typhoid testing at check-in. Call the Kansas Animal Health Department ph. 785-564-6700 for the name of a tester in your area app. 3 wks before the auction.
ALL CONSIGNORS: Auction records are available for inspection by USDA & state inspectors for 1 year after the auction. Bring a copy of your Kansas Import Permit and the FORM VS-3 or Form VS-2 with you to attach to your consignment sheets. You will need to write your state game breeder’s permit and waterfowl permit numbers on your consignment sheet.
Wild Waterfowl Everyone selling wild waterfowl must complete Sale Notice Form 3-186 and turn it to the check-in people at the time the birds are checked in.
Consignors are responsible for picking up their completed forms once the birds are sold. It is your proof that the birds were legally obtained.
Information Regarding Animals Entering Kansas taken from the Kansas Animal Health web site
All animals entering Kansas shall be accompanied by an official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI, health certificate) issued within 30 days prior to movement into Kansas unless moving to an approved slaughter facility or to an approved livestock market. All health certificates must have physical addresses (NOT post office boxes) for both the consignor and consignee. For specific species, select the type of animal being imported into Kansas from the list below and follow the guidelines provided. Or, visit Kansas Animal Health to search mport requirements from any state. Kansas only accepts the following electronic CVI formats: eCVI, GVL, VET-CVI, Vet Sentry, VSPS. APHIS form 7001 is NOT an acceptable document for interstate certificates of veterinary inspection for Kansas imports or exports.
Permits Entry permits can be obtained either through the online permitting system here or by calling the Kansas Import Desk at 785-564-6616. Permits must be issued within 15 days of movement.
What information is required on a permit?
Import Permit & Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI)
ALL poultry and birds imported into Kansas require a permit number. Please use the online permitting system here or call 785-564-6602. AND Include the Import Permit number on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI). OR Poultry must be accompanied by an annual Permit to Ship Poultry and/or Hatching Eggs that has been approved for NPIP participants by the KDA Division of Animal Health. The Import Permit number is to be placed on shipping labels or invoices and on NPIP Form VS 9-3. Poultry is defined as livestock that are chickens, game birds, turkeys, and waterfowl, raised in captivity, excluding pigeons and doves.
Entry requirements:
Ratites include exotic fowl with flat breast bone and small or non-existent wings including Emu, Kiwi, Ostrich, Rheas.
Entry requirements:
Non-Poultry Bird Species
Entry requirements:
Which livestock need an import permit?
Sheep & Goats
Sheep Disease Requirements
Go the Kansas Animal Health Department web site for testing requirements of animals not listed such as pot-bellied pigs, miniature horses, miniature donkeys, etc.
Prohibited Animals/Pets
Per a Commissioner's Order, the sale and transportation of the following animals is prohibited.
The possession or sale of the following animals for keeping as pets is prohibited per the Kansas Department of Health and
Environment's K.A.R. 28-1-14 for rabies control purposes.
A USDA license is required for anyone selling hedgehogs, short-tail possums, and sugar gliders.
Zoo & Exotic Animals All other animals not previously listed are included within "Zoo and Exotic Animals" unless prohibited.
Import Permit ALL zoo and exotic animals imported into Kansas require a permit number. Please use the online permitting system here or call the Kansas Import Desk at 785-564-6616. Exemptions: Zoo to zoo movements, pocket pets, non-poisonous reptiles do not require a permit.
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