I received K .A. R. Article 9 Poultry and Hatching Eggs (see downloads) February 24,2024 from the Kansas Department of Animal Health: After the last year and a half of developing, discussing, and working through the regulation approval process, the KDA Division on Animal Health has completed the adoption of the latest package of regulation revisions that became official as of January 3, 2025. These regulations will affect anyone consigning eggs, chicks or poultry at the auction so read carefully.
¨ K.A.R. 9-9-4. Poultry importation permits. Any person desiring to import poultry, or poultry hatching eggs, into Kansas shall not be entitled to do so, unless and until he shall have first obtained a poultry importation permit from the livestock sanitary commissioner of Kansas. Such a permit shall not be required for waterfowl or for waterfowl hatching eggs imported under provision of regulation 9-9-3. Call Karen Hunter at the Kansas Animal Health Dept. 785-564-6617 or mail Karen.Hunter@ks.gov
Each box, crate, coop, or other container containing poultry* eggs, chick, or mature birds must be plainly labeled (see suggest in right column) with the following:
(1) The name of consignor;
(2) the number and species of the birds;
(3) a guarantee of sex on sexed turkeys under 12 weeks of age or any other domestic fowl under 16 weeks of age (Do not guarantee the sex of any chick, poult, keet, duckling or gosling; Mark the box as UNSEXED/STRAIGHT RUN)
(4) the date the birds were hatched (The hatch year is OK)
(5) the pullorum classification of the birds.
(* The assistant state vet defined ‘‘Poultry’’ means any domesticated birds which are bred for the primary purpose of producing eggs or meat or of being exhibited and which may include chickens, turkeys, waterfowl and game birds, but which shall not include doves or pigeons.)
If any turkeys 12 weeks of age and older and all other poultry 16 weeks of age and older originate outside of Kansas, each public livestock market operator, public livestock market operator's representative, occasional livestock sale operator, or occasional livestock sale operator's representative shall ensure that each bird tests negative for pullorum within 90 days before sale at the public livestock market or occasional livestock sale or that each bird originated and moved directly from a pullorum-free flock to the public livestock market or the occasional livestock sale. A bird's negative pullorum test shall be documented on a readable VS 9-2 form, VS 9-3 form, certificate of veterinary inspection, or an equivalent form approved by the animal health commissioner. (NPIP Certification)
Kansans selling their birds within the state aren’t required to have a PT test or a certificate of veterinary inspection. We require pullorum test papers for all poultry, excluding doves and pigeons because the birds can’t be sold to non -Kansas residents and moved out of state without PT test documentation and a certificate of veterinary inspection (or NPIP paperwork) before moving across state lines.
HOAGBA Auction is licensed by the state of Kansas as an occasional livestock sale operator and must keep a record that includes the following for two years from the date of the sale:
(1) Number and species of birds sold;
(2) name, address, and phone number of the consignor; and
(3) the pullorum classification of the birds sold. (Authorized by K.S.A. 47-610 and K.S.A. 47-1832; implementing K.S.A. 47-610 and K.S.A. 47-1009; effective Jan. 3, 2025.)
Antigen is available for PT testing so we will collect PT papers at check in!!
Game Breeders’ Permit
A Kansas Game Breeder’s Permit is needed to sell Ringneck Pheasants, Bobwhite Quail, Scaled Quail, game animals, & fur-bearing animals native to Kansas & existing as a wild population. Anyone from out of state consigning any species requiring a Kansas Game Breeders’ Permit must show proof of legal ownership, possession, importation and/or other required documentation from the originating state such as your game breeders’ permit.
Wild Waterfowl
Everyone selling wild waterfowl must complete Sale Notice Form 3-186 and turn it to the check-in people at the time the birds are checked in.
Consignors are responsible for picking up their completed forms once the birds are sold. It is your proof that the birds were legally obtained.
Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) All rabbits imported into Kansas from another state must be accompanied by a completed Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI, health certificate) signed by an accredited veterinarian. The CVI must have been issued within 30 days prior to the animal’s movement into Kansas.
Cage Requirements:
Birds and animals must be visible and able to stand in cages. Cages for birds constructed of 2” x 2” or 4” x 4” wire will not be accepted because birds could stick their heads through the cage wire & be injured.
To meet USDA requirements, wire-bottom cages will be accepted if straw or cardboard covers the bottom wire. This is a MUST as we use rollers to move the birds to the selling table. No cardboard boxes or gunny sacks!! Cages sell with the animals and birds.
Each cage must have a clean feed and water container appropriate for the size & number of birds or animals in the cage. NO flimsy plastic, paper, or Styrofoam water & feed containers. Hog ring or use a glue gun to secure the containers to the cage. It is the responsibility of the consignor to feed and water his stock daily.
Rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, hamsters, etc. must be sold in a solid-bottom cage with bedding. Cages must also have a handle so that the cage can be moved without one having to put his fingers inside the cage to move it. Do not put rabbits and other gnawing animals in plastic tubs; they will chew their way to freedom!!
Nocturnal animals and marsupials, such as hedgehogs and sugar gliders, must be provided with a hiding place.
Small reptiles may not be sold in plastic deli cups/buckets. KS Animal Health requires that each cage/aviary bird old enough to perch must have its own perch in the cage.
Day-old chicks, turkey poults, goslings, & ducklings can be consigned in hatchery-type boxes provided they are not crowded. Cut out part of the top lid & cover it with screen or very fine wire so the birds can be viewed without one’s having to remove the lid. No flimsy cardboard boxes will be accepted. Shavings, bedding, or easy liner must be placed in the bottom of the box. Label the box with the number of chicks & the variety. Label the chicks as unsexed/straight run.
Boxes of chicks and hatching must be labeled with the consignor’s name, the species & number of birds/animals in it. Permit numbers (state and/or waterfowl) as well as the consignor’s state NPIP # should be written on the cage.
HOAGBA is no longer accepting hoofed stock. This includes igoats, sheep, and llamas consignments due to increased state regulations and record reporting and keeping.
Here is a suggestion on how to meet the labeling of cages requirement. If you have a computer, printer, and labels you could print up labels and have them ready to attach to your cages after you have checked in. I used Avery 8153 2” x 4” labels which will be adhered to index cards. See the sample below. The label would contain the requited info, consignor, etc. and your information would have to be hand-entered on each label.
Consignor: Will B. Compliant
# of birds: 3 (1 pair and extra hen)
Species : Yellow Golden Pheasant
Hatch date: 2023
Pullorum classification Test Paper turned in
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