Files coming soon.
All information about USDA Regulations & Legislation has been moved to the Legislative New Page. Go to More and scroll down until you see the link.
April 6 SOUTHWEST IOWA ANIMAL SWAP is MOVING to the Missouri Valley Fairgrounds, 1200 West Huron St, Missouri Valley, Iowa 51555
Gates open at 8 am - 4pm 4/6, $5 Admission -- 8 yrs old & under are free. For more event details, photos & seller information visit: Facebook Page: Southwest Iowa Animal Swap Questions? Call or text Ted Golka 402.657.3676
Information for the HOAGBA 2025-2026 Membership Directory was mailed with the Nov.-Dec newsletter. I am updating listings in the directory, but it isn’t going to take long because only 23 members have returned their lists. I have received lists from the following people who are listed only by last name unless there is more than one member with the same surname: Blashill, Bomtrager, D. Colson, Dean, Golka, Gregory, Happel, Horner, Isom, Langerot, Libby, Miller, Nelson, Phillips, Popple, Prevedel, Rohrer, J. Smith, Steurer, Twombly, Verschelden, Watson, Wagner, and Winterbower. Complete the list and return it to me ASAP. If you have misplaced the mailed list, you can download a list and mail it to me. I had hoped to have all listings returned to me by January 15th, but with only 23 listings returned I will extend the deadline until February 15th,
Since all birds sold at the auction are sold for agricultural purposes, handles on cages and “Live Animal” stickers are no longer required. We will post signs stating that the birds and animals are sold for agricultural purposes and each consignment tag will state “Sold for Agricultural Purposes”.
There will be a Friday lunch for the people who help us with the Friday check in. The club will supply paper plates, napkins, plastic table wear, water/pop and meat which Dennis Connolly and Cory Carlson will prepare. Volunteers please bring a side dish, chips, or a dessert. Any questions, call Terry 913-879-2587 or Myrna at 816-289-2906.
We need to put forth more effort to reach potential buyers and consignors for the spring auction. The club lost money on the fall, 2024 auction because attendance was down. If you would like to post the sale bill on any of the bird groups you belong to or take them to you county fair, let me know so I can email you a pdf file.
Email me your auction consignments no later than the end of February so I can get them posted on the club’s web site and the HOAGBA Facebook Group page. You can post consignments and pictures directly to the HOAGBA Facebook Group page, but the post will not be available for viewing until it has been approved by one of the administrators. This precaution was taken to insure that the group page does not become a junk posting page. I will copy these posts and pictures and transfer them to the club web site.
Motel information is posted on the club web site. Due to Fair Board concerns, no one is allowed to sleep in the office building Thursday or Friday nights.
The proceeds from the sale of items donated by participants in the drawing for consignor numbers is deposited in the HOAGBA Scholarship-Youth Fund. These items are sold at the beginning of the auction in the main arena. The proceeds from selling these donations are used to encourage young people to raise birds & small animals by donating funds for to pay for trophies and other awards. It is also used to pay for blood-testing for poultry entrants. This year HOAGBA mailed checks totaling $1,875.00 for awards at poultry shows & 4-H Fairs: Oklahoma State Poultry Association, Rocky Mountain Feather Fanciers (CO), Washington 4-H (NE), Lyndon County 4-H, Osage County Fair Association, Jefferson County 4-H, Leavenworth County 4-H Fair, Coffey County 4-H Council, Brown County 4-H Council, Johnson County 4-H Fair, Wyandotte County 4-H Fair, Pottawattomi County 4-H, Miami County 4-H, Franklin County Agricultural Society Fair Awards, and Douglas County 4-H Fair.
Remember These Auction Dates
Mark These Dates on Your Calendar for the HOAGBA Auctions
3/21 Check-in & 3/22 Auction -- Livestock Arena and Open Class Building
9/19 Check-in & 9/20 -- Livestock Arena and Open Class Building
The Match date is a week later than usual. Hopefully, the weather will be warmer and this date will not conflict with school spring break and St. Pat’s Day celebrations.
If you have auction pictures you want to share with others, you can post them directly to the HOAGBA face book group page: Stephanie Anderson got the page revamped for HOAGBA. Your consignments and pictures will not be available for viewing until it has been approved by one of the administrators. (see the left-hand column on the front page for their names and numbers. This precaution was taken to insure that the group page does not become a junk posting page. Special thanks to Leslie Graham and Cory Carlson for posting some great photos.
Thanks to all the consignors, buyers, and everyone who helped out at the auction. Without you there would be no HOAGBA Auction.
Ad Policy for HOAGBA members: The first 50 words are free. Additional words are 10¢ each. Payment is due at the time the ad is placed. E-mail ads to or fax them to 913-533-2497. Consider others. Change or cancel the ad when items in the ad sell. Neither the club nor its officers guarantee the integrity of advertisers nor will they get involved in any transactions or misunderstandings between a buyer and a seller. Ads & other information for the March-April newsletter are due by March10.
FOR SALE New bird cages sysuitable for doves or other small birds - $10.00 each. Benny Dean, ph. 913-558-2661 (KS) (1-2/25)
FOR SALE Humidaire Incubator Model 21 All instructions and manuals. Phone: 641-751-8765. Central Iowa. (1-2/25)
FOR SALE Birds of all kinds: Finches, Softbills, and more. Over 30 species of finches, Quail, Exotic Doves, and a variety of parrots. Request a current list from or call Mike Langerot at 620-674-1442. Shipping available. (KS) (12/25)
FOR SALE Save 5% on all GQF incubators and brooders priced at $200.00 or more. 1502 GQF incubators for pick-up at our farm - $910.00. Our current supply prices are posted on our web site (12/25)
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