Check-in for Main Arena Consignments: Various varieties of pheasants, peafowl, quail, partridge, francolins, wild ducks, geese, and swans, pigeons and doves, rabbits, all variety of domestic poultry and waterfowl, sheep, goats, and other animals. March 21 from about 7:15 A. M. - 6:15 P. M. sharp!! All rabbits & pigeons must be checked in on Friday, March 21 as they are sold in the main arena. There is NO Saturday check-in for main area and equipment consignments. Equipment is checked in at the back of the main arena. All equipment consigned to the sale must be clean & in usable condition. Leave your junk at home or put it out for the trash man!!!
Cage Bird Building Consignments: Large variety of aviary/cage birds, lizards, non-poisonous snakes, hamsters, guineas pigs and other small animals, and related equipment. Check-in: Friday, March 21 from 3:30 P. M. - 6:15 P. M. and Saturday, March 22 from 7:00 A. M. to 9:39 A. M. Chicks, goslings, etc. must be checked in by 9:30 A. M. Saturday, March 22.
Auction check-in workers unload the consignments and tag them with the consignment number.
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