List of Pet Birds as Defined by the Animal Welfare Regulations (pdf)
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Consignments as of March 2, 2025
pair Lady Amherst, several pairs of 2024 hatch and breeder Red Golden, Dark-throated Golden, Yellow Golden, Silver Golden, Rngnecks, Mutant Ringneck, Black-Neck Ringnecks, Pied Ringnecks; Swinhoe, Blue-eared, Bar-tail hen, Elliot’s, Mikado cock, Reeves, ‘24 hatch Goldens, Lady Amherst, Silvers, swinhoe hen, Melanistic Ringneck, Reeves, Abyssinian Blue Ringneck, Temminck’s Tragopan male.
2023 Hatch: Spaulding, Black Shoulder, Silver Pied, Blue Pied, Black Shoulder Pied, Black Shoulder Silver Pied, Bronze, Bronze Silver Pied, Bronze Black Shoulder, Midnight, White, Opal Black Shoulder, Opal Black Shoulder Silver Pied; Breeders: Bronze Pied, Cameo Pied, Black Shoulder Silver Pied, Bronze Black Shoulder Silver Pied; 8 to10 2-year old peahens(various colors) 3 to 5 3-year old male (various colors); Spalding
Quail: Blue Scale, California Valley Gambel's, Snowflake
Partridge: Gray Chukar, White Chukar
Ducks: Silver Wood Ducks. Wood Ducks, Rosybill Porchards, Mandarins, extra Mandarin drakes, White Mandarins, Maned Geese, American Widgeons. Chiloe Widgeons. North American Pintails. Silver Mallards, Gadwell, Ruddy Shelducks
Geese: Cacklers, Giant Canada
Ringneck Doves - various colors, African Triangular Spotted Doves, Red Diamond Doves, Blue White tailed Diamond Doves, Spice Finches, Orange Cheeked Waxbill Finches, Bronze Wing Mannikins Finches, Red Bishops Weavers, Orange Weavers Finches, Canaries, Society Finches, Zebra Finches (Pending consigning is recovering from knee surgery)
Chickens: Standard birds - Polish - Tolbunt, Candy Corn, White Crested Black, Cuckoo, Blue; Silver Grey Dorking, pr. Golden Lakenvelder, Speckled Sussex, Aloha, Blue Laced Wyandotte, several Sanjak Longcrowers, several pair Silver-laced Hamburgs and Black Hamburgs; 1 pr. Barred Rock, Cochins in blue, black, white, splash, buff, partridge, gold-laced;
Bantam birds - Brown Leghorn, Belgian Quail D’Uccle, Brown Leghorn, Old English in Wheaton Black, Red Pyle, Pumpkin, 8-10 pr BB Red; P Mille Fleur d’Uccle, Porcelain d’Uccle; Modern game
Silkies in painted, chocolate, buff, white, blue, splash & lavender; Cochins in black, blue, Jubilee; Dark Brahama, pr/trio Mille Fleur d’Uccle,
Waterfowl: Ducks - Aztec Blue Call Ducks, 8-10 pair White, Snowy, Gray Blue Magpie, Chocolate Call Ducks; Australian Spotte, Bronze Muscovy Geese - 1 Sebastopol, 1 White Dewlap African gander (Ron Miller bloodlines)
Turkeys: Bourbon Red
Guinea Fowl: Royal Purple, Pearl
Mini Rex - Harlequin and Tri Color.
Chicks: Ayam Cemani, Rhode Island Red, Black Leghorn, ducklings
Hatching Eggs:
Boy Scouts from Troop 34 and their adult supervisors are responsible for bringing consignments to the ring to be sold, taking them to the controlled sold area, and checking the claim tickets and receipts from the office when buyers come to get the items they bought. These young men and their adult leaders and parent volunteers so a fantastic job. Nothing gets out of the back of the barn without the paid receipts. Everything is checked and rechecked.
No consignments as of February r
No consignments as of February
For those of you who like to eat, Janette Dawson will have her food truck Jason's Lunch Box set up near the auction arena. If you need poultry supplies, John Smith -
web site - will be set up selling books, bands, cage cups, medication and lots more. If you need antigen, call us before Friday so we can deliver it to the auction office for you. Don Utterback of KC Pet Supplies will also be set up selling rabbit supplies, cages, etc. in the office building
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